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Manahu (Pleiades) digital file of a handmade galactic ink drawing high vibration art, high frequency art by Mokusho Abigaëlle

"Manahu (Pleiades)" digital file of a handmade ink drawing high vibration art

“Manahu (Pleiades)” galactic & Terran inspired ink drawing. High vibration art, high frequency art. This quality JPG digital file of a handmade ink drawing by Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard, is available for download for personal (non-commercial) use only. It is of 3000 pixels. This is not a physical print.


What inspired this creation?


This ink drawing was inspired by the star cluster of the Manahu/Manahai called the Pleiades here on Terra.


This handmade drawing was inspired by my strong connection to this star cluster where, as a starseed, I have a body in stasis and a life with my twin flame or partner Eriel, on planet Erra in the Ashaara (Taygeta) star system. I also feel a strong connection to the 10th planet of this star system: "Dakoorat".

The central sphere represents the star Ashaara (Taygeta), although the second sun of this twin star system is not illustrated here.


Around the star, plasma cloud-shaped bands of abstract motifs represent symbolically the variety and diversity of life forms that inhabit this star system, teaming with life. The play of vegetal, marine and scale-like patterns is used to illustrate this lush presence of life.

The three dots motif, representing here some distant stars, is a triple pattern that is always very present in my creations and even in my logo, that I associate with the protective presence of the Council of Zaggarah (Alnilam), that watches over starseeds.

For more information about the Ashaara system of the Manahu, see Elena Danaan's book and index.


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Who is Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard?

  • License:

    By purchasing this product you agree to the terms of service. This digital file is for personal use (non-commercial) only. The license is for an unlimited period of time and for an unlimited number of prints.
