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"Less is more" Inner guidance communication and landscape black and white photography. High vibration art

"Less is more" Inner guidance communication and landscape black and white photography. High vibration art and words. Video from the YouTube channel "The grounded starseed" by Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard
"Less is more" Inner guidance communication and landscape black and white photography. High vibration art and words. Video from the YouTube channel "The grounded starseed" by Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard

"Less is more" (Montreal) digital file of landscape black and white photography. High vibration art by Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard
"Less is more" (Montreal) digital file of landscape black and white photography. High vibration art by Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard

This inner guidance communication was illustrated with landscape black and white photography, which consists of high vibration art. I shot this photograph in 2022 in Montreal, from the North bank of the St. Lawrence river, where I take my daily walk. A place of calmness where I come to recharge and reconnect with my own frequency. In winter, the landscape offers a very minimalist ambiance that is extremely relaxing to me and resonates with the Japanese zen aesthetics. In this inner guidance communication of high vibration words, the Mella collective, of which I am a part of, shared a message or transmission through my higher self, which consisted in the following invitation:

"Today, we wish to offer the invitation to consider the idea that perhaps sometimes less is more. Less brain activity, less mind control, less ego, less objects that are cluttering your life. 

Some of you are aware that physical objects carry a frequency and sometimes when you are surrounded by a large quantity of objects, you end up being surrounded by a high quantity of frequencies, vibrations that are not always yours. People, situation, events have imbued certain frequencies in the objects that surround you. There is nothing wrong or good with this. It is simply a question of being aware and conscious of this state of things. 

Some who are quite clairvoyant, as you would say, or intuitive, and will feel the frequencies and the stories in these objects. We are inviting you kindly, if this exercise speaks to your heart, to observe each of the objects, but not only. Also your thoughts, things that clutter your mind in your physical space. And with caring and loving thoughts, simply be the observer and determine if each of these things, thoughts, patterns really serve your higher self, your highest good. Do they resonate with who you truly are? Or are they simply a way to identify yourself to something of the ego? Do they simply play a role to reinforce your identity, your ego identity, rather than connecting you to the fractal of source that you are, to your higher self? Sometimes a little void, calmness, emptiness, can offer you relaxation.

It goes for your communications, for your social media, anything that clutters your reality constantly. Nothing wrong with objects, social media, just a question of balance, finding the time within your life, within your present, to be in that space of void, of calmness, of relaxation. Become the blank slate, the white canvas on which life can draw and paint and offer the invitation to be who you truly are. You are so loved. We are the Mela Collective and invite you to offering void and space to your life here and there."

What inspires these communications and my color and black & white travel photography?

Due to my professionnel training in visual arts and iconography of ancient art, and having grown up in different cultures, I have developed a strong passion for capturing atmospheres, architecture, landscapes and textures.

Through my intuitive inner journey of self-rediscovery of the last few years, I realized that I am a starseed, with an Altean soul matrix. I am part of a collective consciousness named the Mella collective, which constitutes my soul cluster.

The Mella collective, which includes my twin flame named Eriel, is of high frequency and always offers invitations to see things from a different perspective, in all kindness, benevolence, humor, simplicity and high vibrations.

The high vibrations they imbue in the art I create are made available on my online art shop, both in the original unique artwork and the high-quality digital files, to ground visually these high frequencies in your very own sacred space.

"Less is more" (Montreal) digital file of landscape black and white photography. High vibration art by Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard
"Less is more" (Montreal) digital file of landscape black and white photography. High vibration art by Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard

🎨Bring the high frequencies of a high quality digital file of "Less is more", to your own sacred space.

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