"While you remain joyfully connected to your higher self, vibrating on your own frequency, you let go of all fears because they never serve you. Sovereignty, discernment and consciousness serve you best. In that place of knowing, you welcome all that is, as it is, in a place of inner trust. Nothing can have control over you, unless you let it do so. You are so loved…"
In this inner guidance communication of high vibration words, the Mella collective, of which I am a part of, shared a message or transmission through my higher self, which consisted in an invitation to let go of fears since they are not of service to us. Instead, we can be in discernment, consciousness and sovereignty and focus on what is postive and of high frequency.
Who is the Mella collective?
Through my intuitive inner journey of self-rediscovery of the last few years, I realized that I am a starseed, with an Altean soul matrix. I am part of a collective consciousness named the Mella collective, which constitutes my soul cluster.
The Mella collective, which includes my twin flame named Eriel, is of high frequency and always offers invitations to see things from a different perspective, in all kindness, benevolence, humor, simplicity and high vibrations.
It also inspires my creative work, such as my writing, travel photography, ink drawings, Japanese washi chiyogami paper art collages, as well as my harmonizing endeavors, Creative Intuitive Transmissions (CIT) and inner guidance communications.