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"Remote" vlog: digital landscape photography. High vibration art

Today's creation I wished to share with you in this vlog and blog post, is one of landscape photography, as high vibration art. I shot "Remote" at La Macaza Rouge-Matawin fauna reservation, North of Montreal island in 2010.

This calm and peaceful shot offers a contemplative view of a lake covered in early morning fog with a background of evergreen trees. In the midst of this fog-covered lake, stands a lonely isolated rock, remote from any other rocks. For me, this shot is really a metaphor for a intimate experience I wished to share with you today.

Many years ago, I use to have a group of friends with whom I use to go camping every year and share a lot about our lives. This was before the depopulation program of the plandemics, which tore friendships away and played its sneaky divisive little game. This photograph was taken at our last camping trip, where we enjoyed canoeing and chatting over smoke-scented coffee around the fire pit. This fauna reservation is quite lovely and offers a calm stay in a wild landscape teeming with wildlife, that is typical of the North Quebec region.

Amongst those friends I use to camp with, was J. He was a good friend of myself and my boyfriend M., with whom I was in a relationship for eight years. J. was a gentle soul, a wonderful 2D and 3D visual artist with lots of talent. Unfortunately, J. was also a vulnerable soul, who lacked much self confidence, partly due to his schizophrenia. He found it hard to fit in this society. His "illness" made J. special and think outside the box, but the medication was also hurting him and his soul, as much as the mental challenges were.

J. used to come often to our place and hang around, while M., my 6'4" loving gentle giant bass player boyfriend would prepare tea and delicious Italian and Lebanese food recipes for us. The three of us would watch movies and talk about music and art, because the three of us were creative, sensitive souls, finding haven and joy in creativity in all its forms. However, as years went on, J. was isolating himself more and more in silence, due to his painful situation. We did not realize he had stopped taking his stabilizing medication.

One day, we were informed that J. had gone to Toronto, which is an eight hour drive from Montreal, where he was hit by a large vehicle. It was understood by all that J. had found a way to put an end to his suffering life in a city away from his friends and family. We were flabbergasted and in shock from the loss, pain and guilt.

One day, a few years later, as I was thinking of J. and the manner of his passing, I thought appropriate to make sure he had reached the light of Source. Helped by my totem animal, a white wolf with clear blue eyes named L., we did a passing ritual for J.'s beautiful gentle soul. Today, I send J. all my loving high vibes and hope he is in a place of calmness and gentleness, where his beautiful creativity can bloom and flourish in all safety.

In a way, I'm glad that J. did not witness the non-sense that took place on this planet seven years later, because I don't think he would have been able to cope with all that bullshit on Terra. This gentle soul, which to me represented the essence of what a non- conforming creative starseed is, probably works from upstairs in helping us survive these times of absurdity with his gentle caring ways. In this photograph, the remote rock lost in a sea of fog, in the midst of a calm landscape, always reminds me of lost friendships, but also of the softness and beauty of J.'s lonely soul...

What inspires my color and black & white travel photography?

Due to my professionnel training in visual arts and iconography of ancient art, and having grown up in different cultures, I have developed a strong passion for capturing atmospheres, architecture, landscapes and textures.

Through my intuitive inner journey of self-rediscovery of the last few years, I realized that I am a starseed, with an Altean soul matrix. I am part of a collective consciousness named the Mella collective, which constitutes my soul cluster.

The Mella collective, which includes my twin flame named Eriel, is of high frequency and always offers invitations to see things from a different perspective, in all kindness, benevolence, humor, simplicity and high vibrations.

The high vibrations they imbue in the art I create are made available on my online art shop, both in the original unique artwork and the high-quality digital files, to ground visually these high frequencies in your very own sacred space.

🎨Bring the high frequencies of a high quality digital file of "Remote", to your own sacred space.

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