The Terran longing for Source | Creative Intuitive Transmission | High vibration art
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The Terran longing for Source | Creative Intuitive Transmission | High vibration art

In this Creative Intuitive Transmission no. 3 video, I have created a Japanese washi paper art collage entitled "Maltenon", which consists of high vibration art. The two pieces of music that have been inspired to me by my higher self guidance are different in style, but both transmit a frequency about the feeling of longing or challenges in our Terran existence, that can be transmuted by our remembering that we are not separated from love , Source and the fractal of Source that we are.

The same invitation to connect to high frequencies in times of challenges is also translated in the iconography, choice of colors, motifs and patterns in the creation of this Japanese washi paper art collage entitled "Maltenon".

The background image combined with the artwork and music of this Creative Intuitive Transmission (CIT)) no. 3 all speak of our illusory feeling of being disconnected or separated from Source in us and the fractal of Source that we all are, and thus from this unconditional love we feel we are longing for.

Love can no more be lost than found, because love is what we all are. Within our challenges on Terra, if we connect through the heart to this undying love of Source, we are never alone. Suffering is a choice, although feeling pain can be inevitable in an incarnated life. It can be our choice to connect to high frequencies to transcendent this pain and feelings of loneliness or longing and reconnect with our own sacred essence, through the sacred wisdom of our beloved heart.

Who is the Mella collective inspiring these CIT sessions?

Through the inner journey of self-rediscovery of the last few years, I realized through an inner knowing, that as a starseed, my soul matrix, and that of the Mella collective first incarnated on planet Thails in the Altean star system of the NGC 7331 galaxy, and we consist of a cluster of souls (including my twin flame named Eriel) that incarnate and support each other in successive (or parallel) incarnations throughout different galactic worlds, including the Lyran K62 Man system and the Manahu (Pleiades). We share a collective consciousness (not a hive consciousness), in which we connect by a quantum heart and soul connection or telepathic connection, which is not invasive channeling.


The Mella collective is of high frequency and always offers invitations to see things from a different perspective in all kindness, benevolence, humor, simplicity and high vibrations. They also contribute to and inspire my creative work, such as my travel photography and Japanese washi paper art collages, all my creative endeavors and intuitive transmissions or communications.

What is a Creative Intuitive Transmission?


As a starseed intuitive artist, iconographer and transmitter, my soul’s purpose is to transmit, ground and translate high frequencies contributing to the harmonization of our beings and our reality.

I have a passion for, and was trained professionally in dance, visual arts and in the interpretation of the symbolic meaning of images, as an iconographer of ancient art.

When I’m connected to my heart, to my higher self, as the fractal of Source creator that we all are, I serve as a transmitter of high frequencies. Since our multiverse is made of light, color and sound, I translate them and ground them tangibly and visually to our Terran density, through the use of movement, words, music, atmospheres and images, in the unique modality I was inspired to create called Creative Intuitive Transmissions.

Through this approach, high vibrations, transmitted through words or movements, are also translated by the resonance of already existing pieces of music that I present. Furthermore, I also intuitively create a unique original high vibration art collage made of Japanese washi chiyogami papers, where the harmonization and symbolism of colors, shapes and motifs, also help translate and ground in physical matter and visually, these high frequencies.

Not only are these vibrations offered freely to all, in the form of weekly CIT video transmissions on my YouTube channel “The grounded starseeds”, but the artwork is also made available for purchase on my online art shop, both as the original unique artwork and as high-quality digital files, that you can download and further print, to ground visually these high frequencies in your very own sacred space.

🎨Bring the high frequencies of the original collage "Maltenon" to your own sacred space.

🎨Bring the high frequencies of a high quality digital file of "Maltenon", to your own sacred space.

🎵Listen to music 1: "Not Going Anywhere" by Karen Ann

📘For more information about the female energy of Source creator Imana, discussed by Elena Danaan, see her book: "A Gift from the Stars"

©Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard, 2015

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